
A New Article On Mandatory Arbitration: The Struggle to Shape American Arbitration

As Chicago business attorneys and Chicago consumer lawyers we were very interested to read the new law review article on the projected impact that mandatory consumer arbritration agreements could have in harming business arbitrations. Agreed upon arbitration of business disputes is a great way to resolve suhc disputes in a cost effective manner. On the other hand take or leave it clauses requiring consumers to arbitrate small disputes and banning class actions usually has the effect of barring acess to justice and redress for mass consumer frauds or unfair practices.

Click here to read the entire article: Revelation and Reaction: The Struggle to Shape American Arbitration in CONTEMPORARY ISSUES INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION: THE FORDHAM PAPERS 2010, Martin Nijhoff, 2011.

Below is an abstract of the article:

In this article, Professor Stipanowich explores recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court and the implications for the respective domains of courts of law and arbitration tribunals regarding so-called “gateway” determinations surrounding the enforcement of arbitration agreements and the contracts of which they are a part. The decisions address the complex interplay between federal substantive law focusing on questions of arbitrability, a body of law defined and expanded by the Court under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), and the law of the states and bring into play competing judicial philosophies of contractual assent and contrasting views about the balance between policies promoting the autonomy of contracting parties and judicial policing of overreaching in the context of contracts of adhesion.

According to Prof. Stipanowich, the Court’s current jurisprudence, which may be seen as establishing and expanding a “second tier” of the “revealed” substantive law of arbitrability under the FAA first given shape and substance in the 1980s, is a flashpoint for special concerns associated with standardized contracts directing consumers and employees to arbitrate. Prof. Stipanowich believes that this will inevitably add momentum to current efforts to enact national legislation outlawing pre-dispute arbitration agreements in consumer, employment and other classes of contracts, with possible negative consequences for business-to-business arbitration.

In part I of his article, Prof. Stipanowich offers a short history of the evolution of Supreme Court decisions concerning the “revelation” and expansion of federal substantive law under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). Parts II and III then discuss recent Supreme Court cases reflecting the Court’s continuing reliance on the wellspring of divined federal law as a basis for promoting party autonomy in arbitration while limiting lower courts’ ability to police such agreements. Part IV briefly explores the dynamic political response to the extreme, non-nuanced pro-arbitration position developed in modern Court jurisprudence. Finally, Prof. Stipanowich concludes the article by calling for carefully crafted legislation or administrative regulations limiting the use of arbitration agreements in adhesion contracts or establishing due process standards for such agreements.

Our Chicago attorneys handle business arbritration and consumer disputes involving mandatory arbitration clauses. You can contact one of our Chicago business law trial attorneys or Chicago consumer lawyers for a free consultation by clicking here or you can call our toll free number at 630-333-0333.

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